Strategy & Implementation

As local authorities specialising in early years, family hubs, and children's development, your mission to provide comprehensive support to families is crucial. However, with families all having unique needs, it’s not as simple as honing in on one mission. You need to craft and monitor several strategies to help you stick to your main goal of helping as many families in your local area as possible. With these articles, we hope to help arm you with what you need to create the perfect strategies.

What's in store for EasyPeasy in 2024?

As we look ahead to next year, we want to invite your views to help shape our development roadmap for 2024. Since the very beginning, the development of EasyPeasy has always been a collaboration with parents and with our local authority partners, emphasising listening and engagement, and taking a human led approach to design. Read more

Exclusions in the Early Years: Our Collective Challenge and the Path Forward

The challenges brought about by the pandemic have left a significant mark on the lives of children in their early years. Among the distressing repercussions, one particularly troubling trend has emerged - the increasing number of exclusions of children in their early years. Read more

How EasyPeasy is helping boys make additional progress in Language and Communication

Children in England are assessed at the end of Reception year to see if they’ve achieved a ‘good level of development’ (GLD) across seven prime areas of learning. These Early Years Foundation Stage profiles provide a key national indicator for how well prepared young children are for school and fluctuate considerably across geographies and demographics.  Read more

Building an effective implementation plan

Commissioning the right services is a complex task involving detailed assessments of cost and benefit, and evaluating the evidence base and local acceptability. Completing the decision making and procurement process is a huge milestone to celebrate. But the job has only just begun once a new service has been commissioned, so how do you ensure you have a solid implementation plan to get the most of it for your local families and workforce? Read more

The recipe for a powerful HLE strategy

At EasyPeasy we’ve partnered with many Local Authorities to help them develop and implement effective HLE strategies. From our experience, these four ingredients provide a solid foundation for a successful HLE strategy. Read more

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