What's in store for EasyPeasy in 2024?

Read time: 6 mins
As we look ahead, we want to invite your views to help shape our development roadmap for 2024. Since the very beginning, the development of EasyPeasy has always been a collaboration with parents and with our local authority partners, emphasising listening and engagement, and taking a human led approach to design. The priorities we set internally are highly informed by the feedback we collect from our community, whether that’s through partner conversations, user reviews on the App and Play Stores, user testing, or our parent and practitioner impact surveys.

Below, we share some of the key feature and improvement ideas that the community has asked for this year and that we hope to make in 2024. Be sure to vote for your favourite in the poll!

Family Information Services
In 2023, we ran a pilot to signpost EasyPeasy parents to information services including health & safety, and outdoor play based on interest from LA partners. Rolling out signposting to trusted national brands like NHS Healthier Families via the EasyPeasy app could help keep communities well-informed and supported.
A mum, dad, and two daughters laughing together on a sofa
A small boy scrunching his face while brushing his teeth with his mum watching and smiling
Universal Health check reminders
We know that many LAs face a considerable challenge with missed appointments to mandated health checks in the early years. Sharing appointment reminder notifications with parents via the EasyPeasy app through integrating with birth register data could help to increase attendance.

Additional support for SEND
The EasyPeasy app is already full of content appropriate to support children with SEND, but through working with SEND experts, we can curate EasyPeasy activities for specific types of SEND, and build in additional guidance, empowering parents and practitioners alike to better support their children. 

A teacher showing children a book while one child points at the book
Collective Impact Dashboard
We’ve always known that achieving our mission to close the gap in early child development isn’t something we can do alone. A dashboard showcasing what is happening across EasyPeasy LAs could generate and share actionable insights and learning, especially for regional and statistical neighbours, supporting our collective impact for children and families.
Ward level data on the EasyPeasy Impact Dashboard
The EasyPeasy Impact Dashboard currently displays registration data by postcode to Local Authorities, but we understand that displaying this data by ward level could be more meaningful for LA stakeholders, alongside maintaining access to the downloadable CSV file offering a full postcode breakdown. 
A teacher talking to children sitting on the floor
Additional language translation features
The EasyPeasy app already supports content creation in the over 70 languages supported across Android and iOS devices, but we want to go farther. An option to change the display language on the user interface would making EasyPeasy an even more accessible and inclusive space for families and caregivers.

EasyPeasy for Practitioners
We understand from a range of feedback that a practitioner registration route could improve practitioners’ experience including through allowing selection of multiple child age groups, rather than a single date of birth, as well as web access to EasyPeasy to make it easier to view content on work devices.

We’re excited to continue to improve EasyPeasy as a community in 2024 through working together and sharing feedback. We hope you will take part and add your voice by voting in the poll, and we look forward to sharing the results with you and keeping you updated on our next steps! 

If you have any questions or feedback about the EasyPeasy app in general, or want to submit a feature request, please contact support@easypeasyapp.com