Creating Localised Content with EasyPeasy: A Midwife's Perspective

Read time: 7 mins
The backbone of the EasyPeasy app is all of the helpful tips and activities created by our community of parents, experts, and early years brands. You can leverage the create feature yourself to share valuable resources and provide support to families in your local area. Our content ranges from creative activities to help develop children’s core developmental skills to practical tips to help with parent’s mental health and wellbeing.

To help our parent community with their expertise, two London-based midwives, Anne and Madou set up a profile on the EasyPeasy app called Midwife on Tap to provide parents and carers with bespoke, one-to-one postnatal care virtually and at home. Anne and Madou have created 20 exclusive tips focused on a variety of newborn parenting topics using the Create feature on the EasyPeasy app. Sharing this content with families digitally provided an important alternative when struggling under large case loads, or being faced with families missing appointments or being unavailable.

A phone showing the Cross-cradle tips from Midwife on tap on the EasyPeasy app
View the full tip from Midwife on Tap

In this simple tip, Midwife on Tap explain the benefits of the Cross-cradle breastfeeding position.

Midwife on Tap also post 4 tips on sterilising as well as 3 methods to sterilise to help any confused parents at the start of their parenting journey.

Anne and Madou know that they can easily share these tips via email, Whatsapp, or social media on the EasyPeasy app, supporting parents with expert advice without the need to book an appointment or travel.

‘With the help of EasyPeasy we can share our expertise and knowledge on all things baby. our tips have been designed from frequently asked questions, including guides on newborn bathing, breastfeeding positions, umbilical cord care, temperature control plus many more fascinating tips that help with your newborn!’

- Anne, Midwife on Tap

Just like Anne and Madou, you can also create localised content on the EasyPeasy app to help parents in your local area, here’s how to get started:

How to create content
To get started with creating content on the EasyPeasy app, tap the create button at the bottom of the screen. You’ll be greeted by some examples of the fantastic content created by parents in our community that you can look through as well as an opportunity to watch a walkthrough on posting content on the EasyPeasy app by one of our popular parent profiles, Mummy Pickles!
A phone showcasing examples of content from our parent community and the welcome screen to the create tool on the EasyPeasy app

Now you’re ready to start creating a post. If it is your first time creating content on the EasyPeasy app, you’ll be taken through a step by step guide on uploading your content. First step is to select a picture from your phone gallery. You can also rotate and resize the picture to help your content stand out in our content feeds. You can also add text, Gifs and change the background colour too. Once you’re happy with your design, tap the Review button.

A phone showcasing an example of content created on the EasyPeasy app. A toy snake is on the floor with a cartoon of a snake with a party hat on

Adding a title, description, and topics for your post

Now you have your design, you’ll need to write an engaging title for your content. If you would like to share external content, such as a webinar, or blog, you may want to make the title the same as your external content. Then you’ll move on to the main part of your content, the description. In the description section, you’ll want to lightly introduce parents to the topic of the content you would like to share, such as breastfeeding, tantrums, or parent wellbeing. Once you’ve written your description, you can hold your finger in the description area to paste in your content link. 

Once you’ve finished your description, you will now need to select the relevant age group for your post and the relevant topics. These will vary depending on the content you wish to share. 

Finally, once you’re ready, tap the Publish now button. Once published, your content will be reviewed by our moderation team within 24 hours of posting. Our moderation team will create a hyperlink for you. 
More examples of great content from our experts
The National Childbirth Trust have created an EasyPeasy profile where they publish content from experts to help parents with various topics. In their profile description, they’ve written a brief description on who they are and have provided a link to the NCT website. 

A phone showcasing examples of content from our parent community and the welcome screen to the create tool on the EasyPeasy app

NCT have also added tips to the EasyPeasy app directing parents to an article on their website. This example showcases signs of teething where they have created a clear design to showcase what their post is about in the image. In the description, they outline what the article is about and draws parents in to read the full article on their website.
A phone showcasing examples of content from our parent community and the welcome screen to the create tool on the EasyPeasy app
View Signs of teething on the EasyPeasy app

Another great early years brand, Think Equal have also added a link to their website on their EasyPeasy profile page. This helps parents navigate to their website for more information about Think Equal after seeing their tips and activities on the EasyPeasy app.
A phone showcasing examples of content from our parent community and the welcome screen to the create tool on the EasyPeasy app
View Wally the Wave on the EasyPeasy app

Think Equal have created multiple posts to showcase a children’s book, Wally the Wave. Wally the Wave is a powerful story about understanding emotions. In the part one post description, there is a link to the part two post, and vice versa. This is a creative way to help parents be able to view more of your posts.

The create function in the EasyPeasy app is a great way to share advice, guidance, and support services to parents in your local area. We hope this article provides you with the tools, information, and examples to get started with your own EasyPeasy content generation journey. We’re excited to see what you create and share!
Start creating now!
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